Serhii Filonenko

I’m a multidisciplinary designer focused on interaction design and telling stories through digital mediums. I experiment with different tools and materials trying to develop different ways of creating immersive experiences. My concept of designing is based on a simple principle:

A good product is not only a beautiful or functional thing. It's a living organism that interacts with a person through an image, sound, and touch. An organism that has unique behavior and language.

Having a background in biology and the skill of system thinking I’m looking for opportunities to make designs that naturally interact with viewers and entertain them by surprise.


Fish Day

Animation movie

Year: 2023

Special thanks to Julia Zamiatina, Iryna Malynina

Not a regular morning routine..

The process

Everything started with dice
The main focus of the project was to try as much as I can in a stop-motion technique where several layers of glass are used. The first challenge I faced is story creation. Because the story should be simple and fun. So I used Fairy Tale dices from FlyingTiger to find a starting point. I picked all dices .. shaked them well.. rolled .. and saw the walking fish. Strange creature! But interesting. So I decided to use this image and tell the story where walking fish looks like something fun until it faces reality.
First rough storyboard
Color scheme research
Sketching main character
Final characters concept
Face emotions research
Fish parts
Copyright 2024